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About us

Moldejazz is the oldest continously running jazz festival in the world (as of 2020), as well as the most important one in Norway. It was founded in 1961.

The festival is organized every year in July on the 29th week of the year, and we have a close relationship with several other festivals both nationally and internationally.

Moldejazz is a foundation, with a permanent administration working throughout the year consisting of 5 FTEs. Annual sales are approx. 30 million NOK.

During 6 hectic days in week 29, the festival is host to about 120 concerts. We sell approx. 22,000 tickets and are visited by around 500 artists, 600 volunteer worker lends us a helping hand and more than 60,000 people visit Molde during the festival week.

Apart from the artistic, we take care of several business areas related to festival sales and restaurant activities, sponsorship work and more.

In addition to the festival itself, we also offer year-around jazz concerts in collaboration with Storyville Jazz Club in Molde. In 2012, we moved into the Plassen, a cultural building in the centre of Molde, together with Storyville Jazz Club, Teatret Vårt, Molde Library, the Bjørnson Festival and Møre and Romsdal Art Center. Plassen is a cultural melting pot of sorts, and has between 500–600 events in a year!

We are also a certified Environmental Organization.


Moldejazz is the oldest continously running jazz festival in the world, as well as the most important one in Norway.

Moldejazz was founded in 1961 and is held every year in July during week 29. We have a close collaboration with other festivals both in Norway and in other countries.

Tel: +47 712 03 150
Postal address:
Moldejazz PB 415, 6401 Molde, Norge
Visiting address:
PLASSEN, 4th floor at Gørvellplassen 1, 6413 Molde


Acting Festival Director & Producer
Cecilie Nogva

+47 91320287

Finance manager
Bente Maridal Hoflandsdal
+47 90 09 93 36

Restaurant manager
Leif Oskar Helseth

+47 45 44 11 04

Therese Østby Haugen
+47 41 12 31 25

Sales- & sponsors manager
Ellisif R. Vestad

+47 46 46 01 82

Technical coordinator
Jonas Fuglseth

+47 97046420


Board of directors of Molde International Jazz Festival

Stein Berg Oshaug – chairman
Torgeir Dahl – vice chairman
Andreas Mæland
Hege Gagnat
Sissel Nerland
Johild Kosberg Bredin
Olav Opsvik

Supervisory board

Leader: Ståle Skårn

Members: Torstein Fuglseth, Line Bjørnerem, Anja Inderhaug, Olav Harnes, Pål Austnes, Knut Morten Kårevik, Randi Gunnerød, Kjell Johan Vatne, Britt Mari Ovesen, Hans-Olav Solli, Kolbjørn Heggdal, Oddgeir Overå, Kristian Lykkeslett Strømskag.

Committee's & leaders

ARTIST TRANSPORT: Svein Åge Johansen
TICKETS & JAZZ STORE: Mathilde Håseth-Eik
ARTIST SERVICE: Siv Janne Håseth-Eik
SOUND/LIGHT/STAGE: Send an e-mail
RESTAURANT: Leif Oskar Helseth
CATERING COMMITTEE: Kjersti Cecilie Tveeikrem
IKT: Kennet Opedal
RIG: Tommy Johnsen
BOOTH RENTAL: Per Gunnar Talstad
PRESS OFFICE: Hege Merethe Gagnat
ENVIRONMENT AND SERVICE: Silje Tonette Hammerø Kroknes
ACCREDITATION: Martha Jensine Møkkelgjerd
SIGNS: Anita Strømme
SECURITY: Kurt Børge Aure

Storyville Jazz Club: Send e-mail
Jazzlogen: Molde Janitsjar

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As the festival soon mark its 60-year anniversary,
we've made our archives available to you.

In our jazz archives, it's easy to search and find information about all artists we've welcomed to Moldejazz through the soon 60 years since our first festival in 1961 (we're turning 60 in 2020!).

Search for details such as year, venue and/or artist and get a full overview of who played when and where, along with photos and information about the concerts. When searching for only a specific year, you'll be provided with a complete overview of that year's artists.

Go into the jazz archives and bury yourself in the festival's history >>

Previous festivals

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Moldejazz has been certified as an «Environmental lighthouse» [no: Miljøfyrtårn] since 2006 and was re-certified in 2015. The environmental lighthouse is a national environmental certification program that is directed towards small and medium-size companies/organizations.

Through fulfilling industry requirements within HSE, work environment, energy, purchasing/material use, transport emissions to air and water and aesthetics, we demonstrate that Moldejazz has the will to tackle environmental problems directly. At the same time, we give our audience and volunteers the opportunity to be environmentally conscious while attending Moldejazz.

Moldejazz takes responsibility and solves environmental issues where they appear, namely in our local community. That's how we contribute to more sustainable development in Molde.

Debio's «Golden mark»

In 2014, 2014 and 2015 Moldejazz has qualified for Debio's «Golden mark», which requires at least 90% approved ecological food service during the festival.

Moldejazz' longtime project «Green food to blue tones» is maintained by the festival cooperating with a series of subcontractors that deliver ecological and local products. When Moldejazz aims for as much ecological food as possible, it's because of a wish to spread knowledge about the relationship between humans and nature. When we choose ecological food, we receive products that don't only taste good but also do good.

To Moldejazz, quality music and ecological food are naturally connected. Food quality is a staple in the cooperation with our subcontractors. We are not only interested in the ecological aspect, but also production quality, good taste and use of local and regional distributors.

How environmentally friendly Moldejazz is, is largely dependant on how environmentally friendly our collaborators are, in addition to the routines we have self-imposed and facilitated. We, therefore, urge all our collaborators and guests to keep the environment in mind.

Many of our collaborators and distributors have come a long way in their environmentally focused work, and is already certified as an «environmental lighthouses». Some of our collaborators that are environmentally certified are e.g. Maske Gruppen AS, Istad Kraft AS, Thon Hotel Moldefjord, TIBE Molde AS, Møre & Romsdal County.

Moldejazz' procurement policy

We will improve our environmental performance annually. Control of purchasing is one of the most important areas to focus on to achieve this. Before a purchase is made, an assessment must be made. When purchasing material that will last more than one festival, a life cycle analysis must be performed, with clarification of the products environmental impact and any related documentation.

Environmental criteria must be set in all our purchases, and we will choose environmentally certified suppliers over those that can not prove environmentally friendly operations – and/or that only supply a limited amount of environmentally friendly products.

Environmental checklist:

  • Check available confirmed environmentally friendly products on the market (Swan, EU-Flower, Debio, Good environmental choice, TCO and Økotex 100 etc).
  • Choose primarily ecological food products (Ø-branded). Moldejazz has a goal of achieving more than 90% ecological food service for its audience, artists and functionaries.
  • Check what is available of environmentally declared products - EPD (certified by ISO-standard).
  • Always check relevant suppliers environmental profile, and if they are environmentally certified (documentation and statement must be sought out and saved on Moldejazz servers).
  • Recycle materials when scrapping, by giving to charitable organizations (T-shirts, leftover food etc.)
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Many people contribute to Moldejazz. Some more than others, and in a more committed format.

To be able to secure Moldejazz in the future, we're dependant on support.

We hope you can consider joining the team. With this support we will be able to work with, among other things, decorating the main street, Storgata.

Read more about becoming our Jazzkompiz – our Jazz buddy!

Sparebank 1 SMN – General sponsor

SpareBank 1 SMN was founded in 1823, but the bank came to Møre & Romsdal in 2005; when Romsdals Fellesbank was absorbed. In total, the Sparebank 1 SMN group consists of 1200 employees, where well over 100 work in our county. Molde and Ålesund being the big bridgeheads.

Why are you sponsoring Moldejazz?
Moldejazz is a regional lighthouse, culturally. It creates a lot of attention and traffic in Molde - especially in week 29, but also throughout the year. It is an identity builder of the first degree and has contributed to talent development in a big way. In many ways, it brings the rest of the world into our area; this makes the festival one of a kind!

How long have you been sponsoring Moldejazz?
Every year, but from 2007 we decided to become the general sponsor. In 2017 we still hold this position - something we intend to continue in the years to come.

Do you have any collaborative projects with Moldejazz?
Developmental stipend "Jazz-talent of the year" and "JazZtipendiat (jazz fellow) of the year". Through these programs, young talents have had the opportunity to put together new bands, write new music and most importantly: perform at next years festival.

The agreement still involves support to "Jazzologen" and Moldejazz' year-round activity through its cooperation with Storyville Jazz Club. In addition, the agreement involves a renewed commitment to educational opportunities, primarily through earmarked support to workshops and masterclasses.

Read more on SpareBank 1 SMN.

Istad – Primary sponsor

Istad has had a good partnership with Moldejazz for several years.

Moldejazz is an important cultural institution in the region, that gives us good experiences, creates a vibrant life in the community and affiliation to Molde.

Istad has cooperated with Moldejazz about the Morgengry concert, which has been a different and nice start to the day.
Istad is your local power supplier since 1918, with a burning passion for the local community.

Read more about the Istad Group.

Scandic Alexandra – Primary sponsor

Scandic Hotel Alexandra was built in 1883, burned down completely in 1940, and was restored in 1950. Today the hotel appears as a new and classical hotel. It has the following facilities:

  • Central location in the middle of town
  • 165 comfortable rooms, where 90 has a view of fjord and mountains
  • New and exclusive suites at the top of the hotel
  • 14 conference rooms with a capacity up to 400 attendees
  • The restaurant Stuene
  • Parking garage
  • Bar A/lobbies
  • The sports pub 1911
  • Wireless internet

Why are you sponsoring Moldejazz?
Hotel Alexandra is a proud sponsor and partner to Moldejazz. It's important for the hotel to contribute to the jazz festivals ability to be sustainable and that everybody visiting Molde gets an amazing experience.

How long have you been a sponsor for Moldejazz?
For several decades!

Read more on Scandic Alexandra.

Ormen Lange Partnership w/ AS Norske Shell – Primary sponsor

The Ormen Lange-license produces natural gas for export to Europe. The gas is processed in Aukra and is exported to marked through Langeled.

This creates big repercussions in the region in the form of jobs and purchases of products and services.

Why are you sponsoring Moldejazz?
Moldejazz has a long tradition of partnership with the petroleum industry, and the jazz festival has created a hub where people, opinions and ideas meet in a creative and vibrant environment.

How long have you been a sponsor for Moldejazz?
The Ormen Lange-license and been a partner to Moldejazz since Aukra was appointed landing-place, from 2007 with Shell as an operator.

Read more on Norske Shell, the Ormen Lange-project and Nyhamna.

Rema 1000 – Primary sponsor

About the company

REMA 1000 is Norway's leading grocery chain and one of the country's strongest brands. Since 1979, REMA 1000 has offered its customers across the country a good selection of good quality groceries at low prices. REMA 1000 has per. today 622 stores in Norway, run by enterprising, motivated and local Merchants.

Why are you sponsoring Moldejazz?

REMA 1000 is proudly the main sponsor for Molde Jazz - for the very first time! Music has always been important to us in REMA 1000, and we also use song and music to develop the culture of the company.

We want to promote music as a profession, support talents in both business and culture, and not least encourage people with big dreams.

How long have you been a sponsor of Moldejazz?

2018 is the first year that REMA 1000 is the main sponsor

Read more about Rema 1000.

Romsdals Budstikke – Media partner

Romsdals Budstikke marked their 175 anniversary in 2018, and by that, they are the country's third oldest newspaper! They're a local newspaper for the Romsdals municipalities and an important supporter of the festival since its inception in 1961.

Read more on rbnett.no and stay updated on Moldejazz, and so much more!

TIBE Molde AS – Jazz partner

Modern and efficient communication.

Read more on TIBE.

Serit IT Partner

Serit IT Partner is a leading competence environment within IT solutions for the corporate market in Møre and Romsdal county.

About the company:
Serit IT Partner is a technology company that provides services and equipment based on new technology and the SMB market's need for effective support for its business processes. The company's focus is to contribute to the digitization of local business in the fields of interaction & communication, platform services and business systems, with a focus on forward-looking technology and consulting. The company has its own data centre which is used by over 100 local companies and which has been security approved by the Norwegian Health Network.

Why are you sponsoring Moldejazz?
Moldejazz is one of Molde's most important contributions to the region's cultural life. The ringing effects of jazz are many, both for local business and those who grow up in the region. But in addition to adding beautiful music to the city, it also creates a great unity which we believe is important. It is important for us to be able to support such local values ​​and commitment. We look at this as part of our corporate social responsibility. We are also contributing technology to the performance of the event during even the jazz week.

How long have you been a sponsor of Moldejazz?
We have been one of the biggest local sponsors since 2005 and are proud of it.

Read more about Serit IT Partner.

Jazz supporters

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